Lexus Recall FAQs

What do you need to know about car recalls? A car recall indicates that there is a part or equipment that compromises safety or doesn’t meet safety compliance. This guide from Lexus de San Juan explains all of the important information about open recall meaning, how to complete a Lexus recall check, and more.


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Facts About Car Recalls

Here are some facts about car recalls and how you can find out if there is an open recall on your car.

The manufacturer or the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) emits car recalls.

Manufacturers are obligated to resolve a car recall with a repair or part replacement free of charge. You will be notified of a recall by mail if your vehicle is registered.


You can also search for recalls by VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).

If you are curious about the recall status of your vehicle, you can search for recalls by VIN using our online tool. It will reveal if there is an open recall on your vehicle, and if there is yet a solution for it.


You should take care of car recalls as soon as possible.

Because recalls have to do with the safety of your vehicle, you will want to take care of it as soon as possible to ensure that you and your passengers remain safe on the Caguas roads.


Car recalls don’t expire.

Do car recalls expire? Usually the answer is no, but manufacturers are also not obligated to provide a solution for free forever. The best thing you can do is bring your vehicle to Lexus de San Juan for car recall service as soon as you can.



If you don’t drive a Lexus and aren’t looking for a Lexus recall, we can still help you. Our online tool works for recalls of all brands. You can find an Acura recall, an INFINITI recall, or another brand recall easily. The only thing is that our technicians are only authorized to handle Lexus recalls, but contact us for more help.


Why Rely on Lexus de San Juan for Call Recall Service?

You can trust the Lexus de San Juan service center near Guaynabo for car recall service. We promise you the following:

  • More than 100 years of combined technical experience
  • Courtesy loaner vehicle
  • Courtesy transportation
  • Free car wash
  • Included multi-point inspection
  • Waiting area with Wi-Fi and cable TV, offering coffee and refreshments
  • Expansive parts inventory
  • Flexible scheduling and extended service hours

Ready to take care of your car recall? Schedule a service appointment with us online, and remember that you can always get in touch with our team with any questions you may have.



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Lexus de San Juan 18.422362, -66.097426.